Sunday, 15 February 2015

Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - End Times (Part 3)

Final WIP on this project before I start on the painting!

After a few weeks of work on and off, I've finally completed a base for the model and finished up some of the final micro details on the model itself.

WIP pic of Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - Warhammer: End Times by CMDante

The base is intended to be a staircase in a defeated Empire city. It took a couple of goes to get the stairs right as I originally built them straight onto the plinth - but it lacked a good height.

WIP pic 2 of Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - Warhammer: End Times by CMDante

WIP pic 3 of Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - Warhammer: End Times by CMDante

WIP pic 4 of Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - Warhammer: End Times by CMDante

The half arch was a piece I had lying around from another stalled project and works well to add a bit of height to the base and frame the model. The details on it were added to give a little more visual interest. The bird is from an old Empire shield sprue, while the gargoyle comes from the Mordheim building sprues. I also added a small iron ring to the inside of the half arch made from thin wire, curled and glued together, and some Milliput.

WIP pic of details on Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - Warhammer: End Times by CMDante

I'm really pleased with the extra level of detail I've been able to add to the model through micro detailing to make some of the blander surfaces a bit more interesting. In particular, I've added a lot of tiny studs to the armour. I also decided to replace the original sculpted trophy ring on the axes with a scratch built one made, again, from thin copper wire. The original had no depth due to the limits of casting and just looked a little odd. You can see some of these details highlighted in the image above.

Now it's time to get ready to paint (at last!) - really looking forward to continue testing the Scale 75 paints (reviewed here) on this one.

I hear Khorne have quite a big part to play in the final End Times book too, so this couldn't have worked out much better timing wise!

As always, feel free to let me know what you think or ask any questions in the comments below.